Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Still Fighting Against Prop 8!

As evidence of the Yes campaign's unfortunate wide reach and deep pockets, new commercials have been rolled out, signs keep popping up, and large demonstrations are being held.

Those of us fighting Prop 8 are doing what we can: donating, rallying, and trying to get the word out that this proposition is unfair and wrong. It's discrimination, plain and simple.

Our gathering two weeks ago in front of In & Out at Mooney & Walnut in Visalia was a big success. More than 120 people turned out with signs, and many motorists honked and waved in support. Tomorrow, we'll be rallying again in the same place, 5-7pm. If you can join us, we'd love the support. If you're in the area, drive by and honk!

The Fresno Bee supports No on Prop 8 (click here to read), and California Senator Dianne Feinstein has unleashed this video to help in the fight for equality.

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