Friday, October 31, 2008

Margaret Cho in Long Beach

From Margaret in Long Beach
Famous faces! Cameras swirling! No on Prop 8 signs aplenty! And this wasn't a political event! Saturday night, Margaret Cho tore it up at the Long Beach Terrace Theatre with "Beautiful," her latest show.

I made the pilgrimage for some ritual Cho worship with my friend Dan Holguin, a talented singer/songwriter. Before the show even started, we greeted the always gorgeous Selene Luna of The Cho Show in the lobby. (Later, she told us about her upcoming slasher flick, My Bloody Valentine.)
From Margaret in Long Beach
Liam Sullivan opened the show, performing as his characters Kelly and Susan. The best part was his freaky sex therapist skit, complete with John Denver references, which was presented on the video screen. ("Eeew! Uuugh!")

After an intermission, Margaret lit up the stage with a riff on Sarah Palin and the requisite Mommy impressions. She had the audience roaring with hilarious tales of her very NC-17 sexual escapades.

To add to the excitement, this performance was filmed to be Margaret's next concert DVD. No on Prop 8 signs & stickers were passed out, and at the end of the show, Margaret urged everyone to vote No.

In the green room after the show, Margaret graciously posed for pictures with many admirers while her film crew's cameras rolled. We chatted with Bruce Daniels (photo below), who opened for Margaret on her Revolution tour.
From Margaret in Long Beach
We also gabbed with Ian Harvie, host of the monthly Ian Harvie Show at Largo, and his sweet girlfriend Sarah.
From Margaret in Long Beach
It was a wonderful night filled with friends and laughter, which really is therapeutic. I can't wait to do it again!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Still Fighting Against Prop 8!

As evidence of the Yes campaign's unfortunate wide reach and deep pockets, new commercials have been rolled out, signs keep popping up, and large demonstrations are being held.

Those of us fighting Prop 8 are doing what we can: donating, rallying, and trying to get the word out that this proposition is unfair and wrong. It's discrimination, plain and simple.

Our gathering two weeks ago in front of In & Out at Mooney & Walnut in Visalia was a big success. More than 120 people turned out with signs, and many motorists honked and waved in support. Tomorrow, we'll be rallying again in the same place, 5-7pm. If you can join us, we'd love the support. If you're in the area, drive by and honk!

The Fresno Bee supports No on Prop 8 (click here to read), and California Senator Dianne Feinstein has unleashed this video to help in the fight for equality.

Monday, October 27, 2008

More Kimberley Locke Pix!

Last Month, American Idol's Kimberley Locke gave a great performance at the Tulare County Fair. I had the pleasure of seeing this live show, and I took quite a few pictures. I've been meaning to get them posted for a while, but perfectionism and procrastination have kept that from happening.

Here they are at long last! Thanks for your patience, and I hope you enjoy them! Click the link below to see the whole album.

From K. Locke in Tulare, CA

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

MySpace Celebrity Selene Luna

Recently, on a few occasions, I've had the pleasure of meeting the fabulous Selene Luna. I first became familiar with her as a performer in Margaret Cho's burlesque/variety show The Sensuous Woman. This year, she joined Margaret on VH1's The Cho Show.

Selene's a Hollywood mover and shaker, and she sure can shake it! As such, she's been named a MySpace Celebrity. Check out this vid where she talks about what she's up to, including the No on Prop 8 PSA she made with Margaret. (Just scroll down to watch that on my blog!)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Visalia NO on Prop 8 Rally

Last night I participated in a No on Prop 8 rally, which was a great success. I got to meet and talk to some wonderful people. There was news coverage on the Fresno ABC (click to watch) and FOX stations. Contrary to news reports, there were approximately 100 people who turned out to show their support for equality!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fighting the Yes Campaign's Lies

Undoubtedly many of you have seen the commercials put out by the Yes on Prop 8 campaign. They resort to outright lies about churches and schools in order to get people up in arms and scare them into voting to legislate descrimination.

Unfortunately, the No on Prop 8 campaign doesn't have as much funds as the Yes campaign does. This is why we haven't seen No commercials on TV to counteract the deception of the Yes commercials.

Today, the No campaign released this PSA to fight all the misinformation out there. Watch now, and pass it on to everyone you know!

Also, Ellen DeGeneres, who recently married her partner Portia de Rossi, made a NO on Prop 8 PSA. Check it out!

Strike Two For Madonna

Speculation has run rampant for months, and now it's confirmed: Madonna's second marriage is over. In typical Hollywood style, Madge and Guy Ritchie asked for privacy in a joint statement released by Madonna's publicist, Liz Rosenberg. Remember her? She was the kooky gal with the bouncy headgear when Madonna received her honor from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Anyway, read the whole story on OMG!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Margaret Cho & HRC Fight Prop 8

Margaret Cho, BFF to gays everywhere, has filmed a great PSA urging people to vote NO on Proposition 8. Her "The Cho Show" sidekick Selene Luna is by her side, starring as her neighbor. Watch it now!

Margaret was sick as a dog when she shot this a couple of weeks ago, but wanted to show her support of the community that supports her. Once again, she is going above and beyond, giving so generously of her time and effort to ensure that all of us have equal rights in this important matter.

Also, the Human Rights Campaign is DOUBLING every donation made today (up to $120,000) to fight Prop 8. Go here and donate TODAY:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Blake & Cho are Voting No, Shouldn't You?

I'm probably preaching to the choir here, since most of the people reading this are my friends, but I hope you all will Vote No on Prop 8! California's Proposition 8 aims to reverse the ruling earlier this year which allows same sex couples to marry.

I am not a very political person, and I usually don't talk much about politics or religion. I avoid arguments and confrontation whenever I can because I don't enjoy them. I was never on the debate team. Hell, I don't even know if my school had a debate team when I was there!

This week, Margaret Cho is hosting Equalipalooza, a benefit to defeat Proposition 8. The event is being held Wednesday, October 15 at 8pm in San Francisco. If I were closer and/or it wasn't being held on a week night, I'd certainly try to go. But if any of you are close enough, I'd encourage you to go and show your support! Click the link for info and to buy tickets!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Ian Harvie Show

Monday night I went out to Largo at the Coronet Theatre in West Hollywood to catch the Ian Harvie Show. This monthly happening is a variety show with stand-up comedy, musical performances and interview segments.

This intimate venue is great for working on new material, which is just what Ian did. Much of his stand-up comedy deals with his experiences being transgender. You couldn't make something like that up just for the sake of schtick!

Pleasant Gehman, aka Princess Farhana, made the transition from bellydancing goddess to storytelling comic. Her friendly persona and natural stage presence drew the audience in. Pleasant took us on a journey from shoplifting to her sexual fantasy involving Michael Phelps and his eight gold medals. And honestly, I don't think anyone has made bulimia funnier!

Ian then returned to interview the cast of The Cho Show. John Stapleton, John Blaine, Selene Luna and Charlie Altuna recounted tales of growing up, working in Hollywood, and joining Margaret Cho for zany antics on her VH1 show. These folks are all friends, which gave the chat an easy familiarity. They had no problem getting up in each other's business and sharing with the audience.

Finally, gay rapper Lisp took the stage, throwing rhymes about "shaving your juevos," after which he was joined by thugged-out honeys Selene and Pleasant.

Afterwards, I met Ian Harvie, who genuinely thanked me for coming out to the show. Ian is someone who loves what he does, and his sincerity and kindness are truly remarkable. The Live Nude Girls sign behind us was not for his show, but could certainly apply to The Sensuous Woman, in which Ian appeared with Margaret, Selene and friends.

I chatted up Pleasant, who was sweet as pie, just as her name suggests. (Heaven forbid she have an off day!) Of course the Olympic medal she's sporting in our picture relates to her Michael Phelps fantasy.

The effervescent Selene was awesome as always! (Note the Bill Clinton pendant.) She told us she was on the hunt for an indoor voice. You know Selene's near before you even see her, because her endearing voice really carries and is instantly recognizable.

All in all, it was a great night. This family of performers really fosters creativity in each other, and it was exciting to share the evening with them. Previous segments, including a chat with Margaret, can be seen on Ian Harvie's website, and Monday night's show should be uploaded soon!